For this assignment, we were instructed to further the develop our solfege by singing in modes. I chose to do my 16 bar composition in Mixolydian modes where sol was the resting tone. I found this mode to be one of the easier ones that we practice because it is very similar to Dorian mode in the sense that it follows the same voicing of "do re mi" by using "sol la ti".
Although this was an easier mode for me I still found this assignment challenging because I had to make sure that all the harmonies lined up and I really wanted to try and get the cadential V6/4 cadence in there. I also found that I had to move the key around a bit because as the composition progressed the pitches got higher and my voice does not sound pleasant up there. I caught myself a couple of times doing skips instead of just going stepwise motion so I found that rewarding because it means that my hearing is getting better. I did challenge myself to have triadic skips in this composition and those were the trickiest parts for me. Ultimately, the recording was the most challenging for me because if I lost focus for one second I would be lost and would have to restart. This assignment took many attempts to record but I find it rewarding and am now a bit more encouraged to start making myself compose a bit more.